Tuesday, June 11, 2013

General Literary Reference Work

So after going on the library website and trying to decide what I should search for, I decided to look up the Brothers Grimm. I don't know a whole lot about them so after figuring out their names I looked them up in the one that searches for biographies. It didn't have anything on them. So I started to look them up on the other websites that the library had.

I found a little bit of information on them through the Oxford Reference Online site. Some of the links didn't come up with anything but one did and it says:
"Grimm  /grIm/, Jacob (Ludwig Carl) (1785–1863) and Wilhelm (Carl) (1786–1859), German philologists and folklorists.

In 1852 the brothers jointly inaugurated a dictionary of German on historical principles, which was eventually completed by other scholars in 1960. They also compiled an anthology of German fairy tales, which appeared in three volumes between 1812 and 1822."
(From here)

 I also found them on the Lion website:
"Literary Periods: Nineteenth Century, 1800-1899; Romantic Period, 1780-1837
Nationality: German/European"
(From here and here)

The Romantic Period is when the Gothic stuff started to be popular for writing and reading so that might explain why some of the fairy tales are originally not the happiest of stories. That helps me to better know the Brothers Grimm who helped write down the fairy tales so that we could have them today and so that people could retell them in a bit happier way.

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