Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Summary Time

There are several texts that I am working with and I would like to summarize some of  them.

1. Green Eggs and Ham
This book is about an unnamed character who is repeatedly asked by Sam-I-Am to try green eggs and ham. The unnamed won't because he doesn't want to. Sam-I-Am is sure that if he just tries a little of the food that he will like it and so Sam-I-Am follows the unnamed character around asking and asking until finally the unnamed character wants to be left alone. He asks Sam-I-Am if Sam-I-Am will leave him alone if he tries the food to which Sam-I-Am says that he will. The unnamed character tries the green eggs and ham and much to his surprise he likes it.

2. The Sneetches
This book tells the story of the star bellied sneetches and the sneetches with no star on their bellies. Sylvester McMonkey McBean shows up and offers to put stars on the bellies of those who don't have one but want one, as long as they pay. The original star bellied sneetches aren't too happy about it but they learn that Sylvester has a star remover and if they pay they can be special again. The process continues for adding and removing stars until the sneetches don't have any money and don't know who was originally star bellied or not. Sylvester McMonkey McBean leaves with all the money and the sneetches learn that no one is better than others.

3. The Lorax
This book relates the story of what happens when you use up a resource. The Once-ler is the one who tells the story to a boy who pays to hear why the area looks the way it does. The Once-ler had come to the area and found that the truffula trees could be turned into thneeds, which are just about anything you want them to be. The Lorax warned him not to continue this but was ignored. The Once-ler invited his family to come help cut down the trees and make thneeds. The wholetime, the Lorax is trying to make him see that it is not good, that it is ruining everything, but still has no luck. He sends the wildlife away and is trying to talk to the Once-ler when the last tree is cut down. Everything shuts down and the people leave. The Once-ler watched the Lorax fly away and he stays there. At the end he gives the boy the last truffula tree seed telling him to plant it and that hopefully, one day, the Loarx and his friends will come back.

I know these stories are pretty well-known which means I shouldn't need to use the whole summary of them all in my paper but I think that this helped me to see that I could do relatively short summaries if I need to.

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