Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Preliminary Draft on the Book of Mormon

Here's my link for my paper on the Book of Mormon. I'm still trying to figure out this technological stuff as I am not tech savvy.

1 comment:

  1. You backed up your supporting points really well with examples. That's something I need to do better in my piece. I'm assuming you're going to use more sources than Dennis Largey in the long-run, right? Sometimes when I'm reading someone's work and there's only a small line-up of references, I become skeptical.
    (That being said, I didn't even list references in the draft I posted, so. Props for doing that... :///)

    I'm wondering whom your argument is directed to? But also assuming it is as you state: educational boards of religious schools...primarily Latter-day Saint. In your thesis, maybe specify that "Latter-day Saint run private schools, and charter schools, should have the Book of Mormon TAUGHT AS LITERATURE as an option for an English course...." Not just a "Book of Mormon" course. We have access to lots of those. :)

    (Sorry I had to write it in all caps. I don't know how else to emphasize it. I'm not yelling, I swear.)

    Such an interesting argument. Really.
