Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How I met the learning outcomes for English 251

To start off, here is a link to the blog where I did this same thing but for the midterm. If you want to see the same type of thing but before the halfway-ish point in the class go here: Midterm 

So how have I met the learning outcomes for this class? The way this is going to go down is I am going to list the outcomes and underneath will be links to blogs that show I did it as well as a quick discussion that dives into a little more depth (consonance/alliteration).

1. Know basic literary terms and methods.
I learned a lot of terms this term and I mixed a lot of them up too. In this blog where I summarize a book I read I show some terms that I know mixed with the summary. I realise I haven't gotten better at being explicit about the terms in my blogs. I used some terms above and from what I understand I can use both because they are pretty close in meaning... I know I have used some other terms in blog posts but I didn't bold them and probably won't find them.

2. Know basic literary genres and representative texts.
After being told that I needed to read more genres I did my best to read as many different kinds as I could. It didn't work so well in the drama week but I did read a number of different nonfiction genres during that week. Then for my paper I read some YA, fairy tales, children's, and nonsense fiction books.

3. Write literary arguments.
The paper I wrote for this class argues that retellings of stories and fairy tales are good and should be read (or something to that effect). I wrote a historical contextualization paper for my other class. Its thesis is "Although some people might argue that part of the definition of poetry is that the writer must use elevated language, Sassoon and Owen show through their works “Glory of Women” and “Dulce Et Decorum Est” that sometimes a simple, direct phrase is the most effective way to get their message across." In that paper I also talked about Pablo Neruda's "Explico algunas cosas." I didn't post that paper on the blog.

4. Engage literature creatively and socially.
My Goodreads profile. I tried to keep up with my readings on Goodreads although I could have done better at it. I posted stuff on my Google+ account and I posted a couple of things to Facebook.  I wrote a Dramatic Monologue and a Stream of Consciousness. I talked to my family, my husband, friends, old roommates, and some more people about what I was reading and what I was writing about. It helped me to get some ideas and it was fun to discuss literature. The nonfiction group had us each write in a genre of nonfiction on a certain topic and I wrote in the Travel Writing style in this blog.

5. Use emerging communication tools and pedagogical methods.
Perhaps this is another good spot to put that Travel Writing blog post because it talks about social media... Below I have links to the Self Directed Learning/Reading Plans (SDLP) for the drama and nonfiction weeks. I learned more about the HBLL Library's website, the part that helps you find good stuff. Here is the blog post about that.
Self directed learning/reading plans: 
For the Drama week I wrote this plan and for Nonfiction week I wrote this plan.

Here is a link to the blog post that has the final draft of my paper and links to all the posts that lead up to the final version.

Meaningful comments:
There were several comments that were meaningful to me. 
In this blog post, I really liked Kimara's comment. It helped me to start looking at some other Dr. Seuss books in different ways.
Kirsten's and Taylor's comments on this blog post helped me feel a little bit better about my first topic.
I appreciated the comments by Robert and Dawn on my post that included my Dramatic Monologue. I also had some positive comments for it on Facebook.
It wasn't on my blog, but Leah reviewed the rough draft of my paper and I really appreciated the advice and discussion we had about it. She had even read one of the books I used with my paper and it was fun to talk about it.
Thanks to everyone who commented on my blog posts!

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