Saturday, May 25, 2013

Socializing on the Web

I have decided to get out of my "comfort zone" with socializing and share my thoughts and what I'm learning about in English 251 on my deviantArt account by posting a journal entry. This is a website entirely dedicated to art, and where artists go to publish, share, sale, trade and purchase art. I started my account over a year ago, and was influence by my wife to do so.


  1. That's cool. I probably need to do some of that as well. I never post anything on my facebook, but maybe it time to get on the social networking train.

    1. I believe this is what Dr. Burton has been wanting us to do since the start of class. I haven't done this yet simply because I hesitate to try new things, or I'm stubborn and won't try it at all because I'm old fashion.
