Thursday, May 16, 2013

Midterm 1

I can certainly say that my self-directed learning plan has evolved during these few weeks. I remember at the beginning of the term how cynical I was with being told that I had to use the Internet to be creative and social when it came to literature. I had a difficult time at first because I’m a person who doesn’t like to surf the Internet, because of the bad experiences one can have while doing that. I also submit the fact that I stand rather indifferent to using technological tools other than my lap top, and cell phone.
But ever since I was able to use my Blogger account again, and actually socialize outside of Facebook, it’s been really fun. I’ve developed some knowledge now about how to use the Internet. I knew how to post a video from YouTube onto Facebook, or posting art work on my deviantArt account, but other than those, I don’t typically bother using other sources. Now that I’m becoming a little savvier with use of the Internet, I feel more confident about my ability to learn through this medium. Adding videos to blogs has been fun, and I recognize how it helps one become more creative with their posts. My blogs are probably pretty dry, but I’m seeking to find out how to keep things fresh. This fulfills learning outcomes 4 and 5 to a point I suppose.

I am enjoying having an account with Goodreads, simply because I can look up a book and it will be there, and I can even find the cover that I own. Now that I have that account I no longer need to make or keep a list of books on my computer, which I’ve been longing or dying to read. And I enjoy Goodreads more than I do Facebook. Although, I wish I had figured out how to link this in an earlier post when I wrote about it.

Learning Plans
Preliminary Self-directed Learning Plan
Learning Outcomes for Poetry
Most of my learning has come along the way really, and have probably learned more than I've realized.

I totally missed the memo for "narrative", and did a weak analysis of a poem earlier this week.

Adaption Analysis
I've posted videos for some of my favorite poems. Some of the blogs are for fun, such as Invictus, for my self-directed learning, O Captain! My Captain! and Dead Poets Society, and one that was an actual attempt to analyze a poem: Do not go gentle into that good night.

Social Learning
I learned from Danielle Carter from the post I made on Indian Education. Danielle pointed out how the point-of-view shifted at the very end of the story. It went from the narrator telling the story until it seemed like somebody came in and totally robbed the story from him.
Another post where I've learned from my peers, Kirsten and Andrew is that posting videos about something is that you might have in common, and that definitely draws attention towards a larger audience.

Estimated time: 6 hrs.

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