Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I LOVE TO READ. The only problem is my library was very limited to what my parents bought and what they enjoyed. If it wasn't in the house, i was VERY unlikely to read it. Now, a year out of the house, I'm starting to realize how many more amazing books there are out there. Going on Goodreads was interesting because I am seeing books I have never even heard of. This makes me excited for what I can discover. When I was rating books, a lot of them were books I have read or heard of. After, I am being recommended books that I wouldn't have ever known of without this website. I'm super excited for the books I will be able to read because of Goodreads.


  1. I enjoy Goodreads as well. I can't believe how easy it is to click on the the button for a book to read later, and then being able to rate and post commentary for it. It's amazing! The problem for me is that there are a lot of books that I want to read that I don't have in my possession.

  2. This is my first time on Goodreads and I am excited to become familiar with it. Already I was surprised to see how many people I know that are on it. I am looking forward to finding out everyone's book recommendations!

  3. Let's hear specifics! What books have you rated, found, or put onto shelves? Are you putting up a shelf of books you've read previously? Making any connections to others on Goodreads?
