Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Preliminary Self Directed Learning Plan

What are my areas of strength and weakness with analyzing literature? What works of literature would I like to read this semester?

I would say that something that might be considered a strength being able to relate literature to other works such as movies, books, music, etc. I also like to do a little research (sometimes) to learn about the author and the time period because that can help with understanding literature.

 A weakness that I have is that I have a hard time remembering the names and meanings of terms. I know the easy ones like simile, onomatopoeia, etc. but the rest just mix me up sometimes. Also I don't always understand what the author or poetic voice of a piece of literature is trying to communicate to the reader. 

I am taking this class along with English 292 which is the second half of British literature so I will be reading plenty this term. If possible I have a few books I have collected that I would like to read. I like some of the books in the YA (young adult) genre because it is not just for teenagers. YA books can be read by anyone of any age. A couple of the books I would like to read are Everneath and Sapphire Blue. Also, I have a "regency novel" called Drops of Gold that I would like to read. There is a set of books called the Once upon a Time series where several authors have covered many fairy tales in their own way. I have a couple of those I haven't read yet and would like to read those too. I like the Classics like The Divine Comedy and The Odyssey that I would like to read all the way. And, after seeing the movie, I would really like to read The Life of Pi. I probably won't have time for all that, but I will read them eventually.


  1. Oh Clarissa, I totally hear you! And it doesn't help that poetry is not something I read often, so I have also forgotten all of the literary terms with regard to poetry. That section of the pre-test.. I was all like WHAT? aha
    I like your reading goals for this semester. YA literature is fun, I think.

  2. I like the Young Adult genre as well. It just seems to have relevant questions to life, without being weighed down with too heavy a style or elaborate plots that some genres think necessary.

  3. I like to research the author and the setting when I read books, so I can better understand why they're writing. I also relate EVERYTHING to movies and other books, so I agree with you there.
